Monday, July 28, 2008

Making a rainbow, by changing the angle of the light on a rainstorm.

Perspective changes as we change our relation to something. And my perspective is really changing on what is important for my life. It's no longer just having happiness given to me, but finding and making my own happiness out of any situation. It's dancing to anything, whenever I can. It's living in the moments when all I can do is smile. It's laughing at stories that never get old. It's blasting music and singing along. It's having people in my life like my sister, who is also my best friend. Not being near her, leads me to hold on even tighter to her because I don't want the chance of losing her. The understanding we have is something I can't trade. She's someone I will appreciate the rest of my life. So with her, having the perspective of distance, causes me to make her the closest person in my life. Love you sis.

As perspective changes, goals change. And despite the fact you can't change where you've been, you can change where you're going. So find the important things in your life that make you happy, and live off of them.

Asking for what He has always offered.

At this point God, theres nothing left for me to do but to ask:
Please mend my tears and breaks.
Eliminate my doubts and worries.
Lessen my fears and anxiety.
Complete my faith and trust in You.
Fulfill my emptiness and give me peace.
Rescue me when I feel lost.
Comfort me when I feel alone.
Tightly hold my reigns so I won't run too far.
Lead me to make my heart a devoted home for you, rather than just a house.
Guide my eyes to always search in your direction, and to find you quickly.
Please God, let me not only know you, but constantly feel you.
Help me no longer see you as my father, but my daddy.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Separately walking together.

Both walking on their journey.
Both pushing through their trials.
Both looking and hoping towards the future.
Waiting for the day their paths will meet and become one.
Everyday brings that moment closer.

But until then, both must find themselves and their purpose.
They must first realize who they are, before realizing who they are meant for.
Both will eventually come together to cover the old paths behind them.
The path they walk together will be the journey of a lifetime.
One that they worked so hard to reach.

The road to get there may not be an easy one.
But every curve and bump is preparing them for the day their paths cross.
There may never be shortcuts nor road signs along the road.
But there is a hand that is carrying them when they unable to walk.
And there is a voice guiding them through every uncertain moment.

That hand will push them in the right direction when they are unsure of where to go.
That voice will comfort them when they are losing focus and hope.
Yet the two are still breaking on the outside from their tough journey.
But each of their torn pieces, when brought together, will fit like a set and make them whole again.
And when they're ready for that special day, they will find each other face to face.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


What is love? First there's the unconditional love of our God that nothing can ever come between. But are we capable of showing that same exact love to the people in our life? I think the definition and status of "love" is changing. It's being minimized and the standard is becoming lower. Kids can grow up being told how much they are loved. But when what they see isn't genuine love, they are decieved into thinking love is something else. Basically, if someone hasn't felt the genuine love; they don't know how to truely show it. Thats why as a generation we have to take the love we know will never leave our side; and breath it. We have to consume all we can of God's love and live off of it. Because if we don't, we can lose the outward appearance of the most important concept in living a fulfilled life. So what is love? In my opinion, love is a gift to give and a choice to recieve.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Imperfectly perfect.

I'm a perfectionist whether or not I like it. Because of that, it's hard when I look at my life and see I don't always have myself together. I'm not always in a "perfect" stage where I'm happy with the way things are going. It has taken me too long to realize this, but we aren't supposed to have the fairytale life with no problems to overcome. These imperfections make my life meaningful. Without them, how I would grow in the Lord, or even in general. These road blocks were put in my life for a reason and they are molding me into the person I was born to be. So I'm trying to learn to look at my tough situations from a different point of view. Once I get through them, I will see the plan in my life unfold. Therefore I can be happy with saying that my life is imperfectly perfect. Struggle brings opportunity. So hang in there.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Letting go of the wheel.

Here I am halfway through highschool already. These years of my life are years of laughter, learning, exploring, and independence. All these things I looked so foward to as a child. In fact, my teenage years couldn't come fast enough. But what I didn't expect was the struggle and challenge these years involve. Times of confusion, pain, and dissapointment. As a child, we plan out exactly how we are going to live our life and what it's going to consist of. Once again, as reality hits you in the face, you realize you have to let go of the wheel and just ride along. We must accept not knowing how life will turn out. This is a hard thing for me because of my ninch to have complete control of myself. So I have to literally close my eyes and put my complete trust and faith in God. But why is this such a hard thing to do if I know He is the creater of my life...He definatly knows best. Realizing that lets us stop fearing and questioning what to do. God is in complete control of every single moment of pain, hurt, and struggle that comes our way. So I'm finally trying to read his plan for my life, instead of writing my own. I'm all yours God.