Monday, July 7, 2008

Letting go of the wheel.

Here I am halfway through highschool already. These years of my life are years of laughter, learning, exploring, and independence. All these things I looked so foward to as a child. In fact, my teenage years couldn't come fast enough. But what I didn't expect was the struggle and challenge these years involve. Times of confusion, pain, and dissapointment. As a child, we plan out exactly how we are going to live our life and what it's going to consist of. Once again, as reality hits you in the face, you realize you have to let go of the wheel and just ride along. We must accept not knowing how life will turn out. This is a hard thing for me because of my ninch to have complete control of myself. So I have to literally close my eyes and put my complete trust and faith in God. But why is this such a hard thing to do if I know He is the creater of my life...He definatly knows best. Realizing that lets us stop fearing and questioning what to do. God is in complete control of every single moment of pain, hurt, and struggle that comes our way. So I'm finally trying to read his plan for my life, instead of writing my own. I'm all yours God.

1 comment:

christ*in said...

i love it. i feel the same way. Love you!