Thursday, July 10, 2008


What is love? First there's the unconditional love of our God that nothing can ever come between. But are we capable of showing that same exact love to the people in our life? I think the definition and status of "love" is changing. It's being minimized and the standard is becoming lower. Kids can grow up being told how much they are loved. But when what they see isn't genuine love, they are decieved into thinking love is something else. Basically, if someone hasn't felt the genuine love; they don't know how to truely show it. Thats why as a generation we have to take the love we know will never leave our side; and breath it. We have to consume all we can of God's love and live off of it. Because if we don't, we can lose the outward appearance of the most important concept in living a fulfilled life. So what is love? In my opinion, love is a gift to give and a choice to recieve.

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